Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Year End Recap and 2012 Forecast

Ok, here we are at the end of 2011. Looks like we will finish around 6% to the good over last year. That's ok as it was the best we could do of all the vehicles we use in our long term portfolio. All in all not a bad year considering the ups and downs of this market.

We found our predicted support at DOW 10,860 and stayed the course. Just to be clear, in order to exit this market we were looking for 2 consecutive weekly closes below 10,860, we didn't get that so we are still all in. The market moved up from that support as we expected.

So, what about 2012? In the short term I'm expecting DOW 14,404 sometime around July 2012. The important part is taking out DOW 12,876, if we can't do that it might mean trouble but I'm not really worried, the market will tell us what to do when the time comes. So until further notice I will continue to dollar cost average any and all of my long term investment money into the total stock market. I'll post again when it is warranted.

Thanks for reading. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012.