Monday, January 13, 2014

2013 Year End Report and 2014 Outlook

Ok, no surprises here.  We got exactly what we were expecting.  The market told us it was not turning and it did indeed go higher.  As long as you can understand the language of the markets you will always be on the correct side.
But we don't get cocky, we don't get greedy.  We take our time and we accept what the market gives us.
I've said it before and I'll say it again because it's worth repeating, there is a correct time to be in a particular market depending on the correct economic conditions and all of 2013 the condition were right for us to be all in the total stock market.
How did we do?
If you were invested in the total stock market all of 2013 like I was your portfolio should have grown by about 33.4%.  That's good money.

We have no reason to believe that we need to be anyplace else in 2014.  Right now the market is telling us it wants to go higher.  My early forecast of 18,974 in the Dow still stands.
So until the market tells me other wise I will continue to dollar cost average any and all investment money that I have into the total stock market.  As always, I would only invest in a no-load mutual fund that mirrors the total stock market index.

That's all for now.  When things change, I'll let you know.
Happy and prosperous 2014 to you and yours.