Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Recap and 2015 Outlook

So another year has come and gone.  I hope 2014 was a profitable year for you and if you follow this blog, it was a profitable year for you.
By being all in the total stock market your 2014 return was 11.48%.
That's good money.  We have not yet reached our target of 18,974 in the Dow Jones Industrial Average but nothing in the charts at this time would suggest that we are done with the up move.
So guess what?  Yep, I will continue to dollar cost average any investment money that I have into any no load mutual fund that mirrors a United States of America total stock market index, like the Wilshire 5000.  That's all I have for you right now.  Let me know if you have questions.  I will post again when there is a need to.  Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.