Sunday, July 31, 2016

Not Over Yet!

This post will be short and without drama.  Back in November of 2013 I advised you, right here (look for yourself) that I did not see any reason for not being all in the total U.S. stock market.

My projection back then was for a high in the Dow Jones Industrial Average of  18,974.

We flirted a little while with a possible sell signal coming in prior to that but that sell signal never materialized.  I later mentioned that we would be careful until we had a monthly close in the Dow of  greater than 18,400.  So on the last day of trading in July 2016 we closed on a monthly basis at 18,432.

My forecast of 18,974 has been changed to a minimum, meaning I now expect the Dow to trade at 18,974 at a minimum.  Once it clears that price, I will offer an additional forecast.  If something happens in the mean time, I will also post.

For now I will continue to invest any long term money that I have, using dollar cost averaging, in a no-load, mutual fund that mirrors the complete U.S. stock market index (Wilshire 5000).