Sunday, February 12, 2017

This Will Be A Quick Post

I think the first thing you have noticed is that I've moved away from regularly posting at specific time intervals.  I've decided to do away with that practice because it is not very useful.
What we are most concerned with is when we should be in the market and what market to be in.

Therefore, time of posting is of little importance but timing of the market is extremely important.  We are only concerned with profit.

In my last post (check for yourself, below) I forecasted a high in the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 20,193.  On Friday, 02/10/17 the index closed at 20,269 and so I decided it's finally time for an update to my blog.

The American stock market has been on a rip roaring tear, virtually straight up since April of 2009 !

As of this writing, I see no reason to get out of this stock market.  Unfortunately, I no longer have any price targets to disclose.  In order for me to predict price, I need some relatively strong volatility and we have none to speak of.

The only thing I can do is to wait and watch for the market to give me a sell signal.

As soon as I see it, I'll let you know.  I do not believe that I will be seeing that anytime soon.

Going forward, I will continue to Dollar Cost Average all of my long term investment money into a No Load, Stock Market Mutual Fund that mirrors the total American stock market (Wilshire 5000).

Thanks for reading, see you next time.