Sunday, July 12, 2009

Swinging a Stock Operation

I was doing a little sector analysis and I believe I have discovered an interesting opportunity in the short term for a particular stock called Merge Technologies, Inc. (MRGE). This thing has a strong trend line and is currently cheap. It is a sector leader and lends itself well to compliance with my operation.

I believe this stock will be a BUY at a price of $3.81.

On Monday, July 13, 2009, before the open, I will place a limit order to buy this market at $3.81. I will also place a contingent stop at $3.43.

I expect to be filled on or before Wednesday, July 15, 2009. I expect to be long this market until the price reaches $5.10 which should happen before the end of July.

This is what I'm doing. You should NEVER do what I do.

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