Saturday, January 30, 2010

The End of the Recession

Well according to the definition of economic recession (2 consecutive calendar quarters of negative GDP) we are no longer in a recession. GDP numbers released on Friday show the 2nd straight quarter of positive GDP. This last quarter even grew faster than analyst predicted.

So what is the market saying? Well, we've been headed down the last few weeks but I think we still have upside potential. I have been going back and forth between calling for a pull back ending between Dow 10,300 and Dow 10,000. Look like we are in that area where I expect the Dow to turn higher (market closed Friday at 10,067).

I think we will turn any day now and resume our run up to Dow 11,000 or there abouts.
We are currently building a sell signal in the bond market, we are currently NOT building a sell signal in the stock market.

I'll keep posting AND I'll keep buying the total stock market.

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