Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year! What's UP?

Well, the markets are going higher. I haven't posted for awhile because there has been nothing interesting to post about. We did not get our 11,500 in the DOW by the end of July 2010. But that's OK. We actually got it in mid December. So I was 4 1/2 months early on the time even though the price was good. And as we all know, we only care about price.

I think we have more up side in 2011. In the short term I'm calling for DOW 12,273 (currently we are closed at 11,787). After we hit 12,273 or so, there may be a pull back to the 10,900 area before we head on a run at 13,000.

Since I seem to be so bad on dates, I'm not going to give out any this time :)
So with that, I will continue to invest in the total stock market.
See you when something interesting happens.

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