Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Let’s Do It Again !!

As I write this we have just closed the month of November 2016.  The DOW closed at 19,123.
This is good stuff, I said it in November 2013 and said it again in July of 2016, I see no reason to not be all in the total American stock market.
I have not been issued a sell signal, just conformation of additional upside action.
Now that we reached my prior forecast of 18,974, it’s time for a new forecast.
Here you go:  I am now expecting the Dow Jones Industrial Average to trade at 20,193.

There you have it.

Once we get there, I will provide additional  insight.  If something crazy happens, I will also let you know what I think the market will do and what I plan to do about it.

For now I will continue to invest any long term money that I have, using dollar cost averaging, in a no-load, mutual fund that mirrors the complete U.S. stock market (Wilshire 5000).
Thanks for visiting, don’t be a stranger.

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