Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What a year, uh?

The total U.S. stock market has finished the year with a rock-solid return.  That should come as no surprise to anybody because I told you we were moving higher.

On the other hand, 2017 was just chocked full of anomalies, not the least of which was the 2016 election (yeah, I’m calling that as part of the 2017 ‘thing’).  Oh wait, then Bitcoin and then CME launched Bitcoin futures!! Now I’m told to watch for the possibility of a new asset class in 2018: Derivatives on cryptocurrencies!!! (notice how the number of exclamation points increased with what I think is the absurdity of it all) That’s just weird.  I won’t be trading those because of my lack of confidence in the underlying.  Before you trade Bitcoin derivatives you should believe in Bitcoin futures and in order to believe in Bitcoin futures you need to believe in Bitcoin. Yeah, yeah, I know.  You didn’t come here to hear this, you came here to hear what I plan to do regarding my long term investment portfolio, well, here you go.

First, if you have been 100% invested in the total U.S. stock market, as I have, your 2017 return is approximately 20%. Nice.

As you know, I’ve been long this market since March 2009, when I called the bottom, coming off the crash of 2007.  If you have been long without fail since 2009 you are currently enjoying a return of about 367%. Not too shabby.

What do I see going forward? Additional growth.  I will continue to Dollar Cost Average any long term (retirement) investment money into a no-load, stock market mutual fund that mirrors the Wilshire 5000.

I will continue to do this until the market issues a sell signal and will deal with that thing then.

Happy and Healthy 2018 to you and yours.

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